
Seasonal Forecast

Price incl. GST (10%) AU$60.00
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Product Details

Australian climate and winter crop outlook.

Climate Outlooks summarise global indicators related to ENSO (El Nino-Southern Oscillation), the Indian Ocean Dipole and local Australian climate indicators. Based on a series of long-lead indicators, forecasts are produced from ENSO State and the likely May – October rainfall prospects.

This service begins in early November the year before and updated in early February with a median rainfall outlook map for the winter growing season. This rainfall forecast stays in place unless a dramatic change in indicators occurs. An update at the beginning of seeding will include the first integrated national shire yield ranking maps utilising soil moisture and the seasonal outlook. Monthly updates will occur from there to early October. The service will therefore include:

  • November (year before) — National summer rainfall (November – April) outlook and the first rainfall outlook for the following winter growing season for Australia, based on analogue years (similar years in the past to the present).
  • February — first median rainfall outlook map from May – October based on ESS analogues.
  • April – October — a monthly update of climate indicators, analogue years, and all Australian crop yield rankings based on the STIN crop model, as well as soil moisture ranking maps between April and June.

Standard cost :$700 + GST for an annual subscription or $350 + GST for part-year within May to October.

Please note:

Once payment has been made the latest climate and crop outlook report will be emailed to you shortly afterwards. Alternatively, if an electronic funds transfer is preferred, an invoice can be emailed to you. In this case, go to the contact page and leave a message.

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